Waverly Ronaldo Bracelet
Several years ago, when Ronaldo was traveling around the country, he met a young girl who was maybe two years old at the time. She had Spina Bifida, a very serious congenital birth defect which leads to lifelong health complications & usually many surgical procedures. This young girl's first name was Waverly & her grandmother, Faye, had brought her to the local jewelry store to meet Ronaldo & to hear his inspirational words of encouragement. She was so cute & brave and immediately became Ronaldo's inspiration behind the Waverly Bracelet©. This bracelet's main design features are three beautiful fresh water pearls, with the center pearls representing Waverly & the side pearls representing Faye & Ronaldo – the people who would help look after Waverly during her lifetime. Meeting Waverly was a life-changing experience for Ronaldo because, before meeting her, he really had never personally known anyone who had Spina Bifida. He was so impressed by her strength, beauty, & innocence that he wanted to do as much for Waverly as possible. As he was designing this bracelet, Ronaldo knew that he wanted to donate a portion of the proceeds from its sales to directly benefit Spina Bifida research. Ronaldo has kept up with Waverly's difficult challenges & her progress over the years through frequent contact with Faye. Ronaldo understands that Americans are a generous & giving people, but as we go about supporting our own favorite charities, he wants us to remember & support the important research towards treating & possibly one day curing Spina Bifida.